Very solid 2024 interim results driven by a record activity of local authority lending

Posted on 10 September, 2024 - 11:21 | Category : Investor updates, News, Press releases.

  • Higher recurring net banking income at EUR 103 million (+4% vs 1H23) reflecting the excellent level of activity since 2023
  • Operating expenses at EUR 57 million (-8% vs 1H23), resulting from the end of the constitution period of the SRF and operational costs under control (-6% vs 1H23)
  • Cost of risk under 1 basis point
  • Recurring net result at EUR 31 million (+15% vs 1H23)
  • Loan origination of EUR 2.8 billion (+157% vs 1H23), with a particularly sharp increase in loans to large local authorities (EUR 2.1 billion in 1H23)
  • Significant growth in use-of-proceeds loans at EUR 976 million (+49% vs 1H23)
  • Since 2013, more than EUR 50 billion in loans granted to the French local public sector, including almost EUR 45 billion to local authorities
  • Acquisition of loans up to EUR 2.8 billion (+27% vs 1H23)
  • Dynamic activity anticipated in 2H24, supported by increasing investment budgets for local authorities
  • 2 transactions for a total amount of EUR 1.7 billion (vs EUR 2.8 billion in 1H23)
  • “Deal of the year Central Asia 2023” award at the TXF Global export forum in June 2024
  • Very positive business outlook supported by around 170 deals under assessment for a total amount of nearly EUR 68 billion
  • Consistently low credit risk metrics with a residual level of past dues of EUR 2 million and a non-performing exposure rate of 0.2% of assets, reflecting the excellent quality of asset portfolio
  • CET1 ratio at 37.3 % (37.5% in December 2023), more than 4 times higher than the minimum requirement
  • Strong liquidity position with LCR at 270% and NSFR at 123.5% and the successful implementation of long-term financing programs
  • EUR 512 million of green loans to the French local public sector
  • EUR 464 million of social loans in favor of public hospitals and socially driven investments of local authorities

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