
The essential

  • Press relation - Contacts

    Christine Lair
    > Tel : +33 (0)1 73 28 87 36
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  • Recent press releases

    • Strong success for Sfil group’s first social bond dedicated to financing social investments by local authorities
      25 September, 2024

      Sfil group has launched its seventh public transaction of 2024 for an amount of EUR 1.25 billion and with a maturity of 7 years. This social bond issued under covered bond format by Caffil is the first on the market to finance social investments by the local public sector.

      With an order book reaching EUR 1.5 billion, the transaction gathered the interest of 70 investors with a solid placement.

      Launched under Sfil group’s Green, Social and Sustainability Bond Framework published in October 2022, this transaction is the first social bond dedicated to financing social investments by local authorities in France. The proceeds of this issue will be used to finance two types of social investment:

      • Access to essential services, such as financing educational establishments (schools, secondary schools, high schools), early childhood (nurseries) or cultural facilities (media libraries)
      • Renewal and cohesion of territories, such as the construction of high-speed broadband networks or the financing of urban renewal programs.

      To date, Sfil Group has issued 13 thematic bonds since 2019, emphasizing the group’s commitment to being a leading issuer in the green, social and sustainability bond market. This transaction is the third thematic issue of 2024 for Sfil group, in line with the objectives of issuing 25% of 2024 issues in ESG format and up to 33% in 2030.

      “The great success of this social  bond dedicated to social investments by local authorities demonstrates our investors’ confidence in the potential of responsible investment and the contribution it can make to financing local public sector investments in France.”
      Philippe Mills, Chief Executive Officer of Sfil and Chairman of the Supervisory Board of Caffil

      Investors relations :
      Ralf Berninger –
      Mathilde Sobol –  
      Press contact :
      Christine Lair – Tel.: + 33 (0)1 73 28 87 36

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    • Very solid 2024 interim results driven by a record activity of local authority lending
      10 September, 2024

      • Higher recurring net banking income at EUR 103 million (+4% vs 1H23) reflecting the excellent level of activity since 2023
      • Operating expenses at EUR 57 million (-8% vs 1H23), resulting from the end of the constitution period of the SRF and operational costs under control (-6% vs 1H23)
      • Cost of risk under 1 basis point
      • Recurring net result at EUR 31 million (+15% vs 1H23)
      • Loan origination of EUR 2.8 billion (+157% vs 1H23), with a particularly sharp increase in loans granted to large local authorities up to EUR 2.1 billion
      • Significant growth in use-of-proceeds loans at EUR 976 million (+49% vs 1H23)
      • Since 2013, more than EUR 50 billion in loans granted to the French local public sector, including almost EUR 45 billion to local authorities
      • Acquisition of loans up to EUR 2.8 billion (+27% vs 1H23)
      • Dynamic activity anticipated in 2H24, supported by increasing investment budgets for local authorities
      • 2 transactions for a total amount of EUR 1.7 billion (vs EUR 2.8 billion in 1H23)
      • “Deal of the year Central Asia 2023” award at the TXF Global export forum in June 2024
      • Very positive business outlook supported by around 170 deals under assessment for a total amount of nearly EUR 68 billion
      • Consistently low credit risk metrics with a residual level of past dues of EUR 2 million and a non-performing exposure rate of 0.2% of assets, reflecting the excellent quality of asset portfolio
      • CET1 ratio at 37.3 % (37.5% in December 2023), more than 4 times higher than the minimum requirement
      • Strong liquidity position with LCR at 270% and NSFR at 123.5% and the successful implementation of long-term financing programs
      • EUR 512 million of green loans to the French local public sector
      • EUR 464 million of social loans in favor of public hospitals and socially driven investments of local authorities

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    • Outstanding success of Sfil Group’s sixth green bond issue
      11 July, 2024

      Sfil group has launched its first green issue of 2024, and its sixth green issue since 2019, for an amount of € 1.25 billion and a maturity of 5 years. The proceeds of this issuance will finance green investments by French local authorities and major French export contracts in the fields of renewable energy, local mobility and clean transportation.

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Last update 30/01/2023