
The essential

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    Christine Lair
    > Tel : +33 (0)1 73 28 87 36
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  • Recent press releases

    • Outstanding success of Sfil Group’s sixth green bond issue
      11 July, 2024

      Sfil group has launched its first green issue of 2024, and its sixth green issue since 2019, for an amount of € 1.25 billion and a maturity of 5 years. The proceeds of this issuance will finance green investments by French local authorities and major French export contracts in the fields of renewable energy, local mobility and clean transportation.

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    • Press Release – Remarkable success of Sfil Group’s 5th public issue of 2024
      14 May, 2024

      Launched on the 7th of May 2024 under covered bond format by Caffil, with a volume of EUR 500 million and a maturity of 15 years, this transaction was greeted by record demand from international investors, with an order book totaling EUR 7.4 billion.

      This was the first covered bond transaction in almost 2 years, with a maturity of 15 years. The response from investors was outstanding, with 160 different investors participating and the largest order book seen in the covered bond market this year.

      “Sfil Group confirms its solidity by being the first issuer in 2 years to issue a covered bond with a 15-year maturity. I would like to thank our investors for the remarkable reception of today’s transaction, which perfectly illustrates Sfil’s role: raising longterm funds on the international capital markets to finance local investments and large French export contracts.”
      Philippe Mills, CEO of Sfil and Chairman of the Supervisory Board of Caffil

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    • Great success for Sfil Group’s first US dollar transaction of the year
      18 April, 2024

      On the 17th of April, Sfil Group successfully launched its 4 th transaction of the year 2024 for a maturity of 3 years. This is the first Sfil transaction of the year denominated in US dollars. This USD 1 billion transaction will complete Sfil’s curve, enhancing its liquidity and attractiveness. It also contributes to diversifying Sfil’s financing sources, following a euro-denominated transaction launched in the first
      half of the year with a 7-year maturity.

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Last update 30/01/2023