Corporate Social Responsibility

Philippe Mills et François Laugier
Sfil joined the United Nations Global Compact in 2018.

In doing so, our young bank pledged to increasingly incorporate sustainable development issues in all aspects of our activity: in the types of loans we provide, in the manner in which we measure and manage our risks, in our external communication and in our internal operations.

Far from taking us down a new path, this fresh strategic direction resonated deeply with our status as a public development bank established to serve the public interest.
Five years on, at a time when Sfil is celebrating its tenth year in business and has become a wholly-owned subsidiary of Caisse des Dépôts Group, we have come a very long way. In 2023, and for the first time, we measured the carbon footprint of our portfolios and published commitments to reduce it; we have developed an innovative methodology to calculate climate and environmental risk scores for local authorities, which are our main clients; and we have introduced an ambitious integration and diversity policy.

We have also redefined our sustainability policy around 10 commitments geared towards our group’s three strategic priorities (ecological transformation, economic growth andsovereignty, and social and regional cohesion), reasserting our ambition to lead by example within our organisation. This new policy sets out a clear and shared course that we must endeavour to stick to in the interests of all our stakeholders.

As regards French local public sector financing, 2023 saw a further significant increase in the share of new thematic loans (green loans, social loans, healthcare loans): 43% in 2023, up from 37% in 2022 and 27% in 2021. It is through these thematic loans that Sfil, as market leader, makes a very real and extensive contribution to the ecological transition and to social cohesion in local communities. In keeping with our mission to harness international capital in order to offer the best possible financing terms to all customers, regardless of their size, we have issued €750 million worth of green bonds and €500 million worth of social “healthcare” bonds.

We understand that by supporting large export contracts, we are helping to safeguard jobs in local communities, and that this is a factor of social cohesion, while also boosting the country’s economic sovereignty. With this in mind, in 2023, we also supported 10 large companies and committed a record amount of €5 billion in export credit.

We will continue in this vein in the coming years: over the next seven years (2024-2030), we pledge to devote €17.5 billion to the ecological and energy transition and€12 billion to public hospitals and to French local authority investment in social infrastructure. We will not finance any new hydrocarbon projects or any conventional power generation project that would increase the carbon intensity of the local energy mix.

We intend to continue, year after year, to further enhance our system for detecting and managing environmental, social and governance risks. In 2024, we renew our pledge to uphold the Ten Principles of the Global Compact and to play our part in achieving the United Nations’ Sustainable Development Goals.

Philippe Mills                                                                      François Laugier
Chief Officer Executive Officer                                        Chief Executive Deputy

Corporate Social Responsibility is at the heart of our strategy

Sfil’s original mission of financing the local public sector naturally requires it to support the investments made by the local public sector, i.e. local governments and public health institutions, thereby promoting the development of a financial ecosystem favorable to the Sustainable Development Goals. Day after day, the financing that it provides to local public investment and competitiveness of French exports allows the completion of sustainable projects that benefit everyone. To achieve this, Sfil does not try to maximize its profitability, but rather focuses on offering high-quality services and maintaining a high level of satisfaction with stakeholders. To expand this dialogue and continuously improve the development of sustainable financing, efforts are constantly made to incorporate CSR criteria and all non-financial information.


24 June 2024

Sfil publishes its 2023 Sustainability Report

In 2023, Sfil – the public development bank serving French territories and exports – celebrated 10 years of existence and 5 years of...

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01 February 2024

For the first time, Sfil releases its sustainable development policy (French...

As a member of the United Nations Global Compact (UNGC) since 2018, Sfil has published its annual report on sustainable development since 2019. In...

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19 December 2023

Sfil announces its 2030 targets to reduce financed emissions

Sfil elevated sustainability as a core pillar of its strategic plan. In this context, Sfil is committed to its stakeholders to align gradually its...

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Green projects refinanced by Sfil

Green loans intended for local authorities, marketed by La Banque Postale, are refinanced by green bonds issued by Sfil.
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Green and social bonds

  • Sfil Group has set up a social bond framework in 2018 with a focus on financing investments by French public hospitals
  • A EUR 1 billion inaugural social bond benchmark was issued in February 2019 under covered bond format by CAFFIL
  • Dedicated Green Loans are proposed to French local authorities by Sfil in partnership with La Banque Postale since May 2019
  • A Green Bond Framework has been set up to finance these Green Loans. An inaugural benchmark has been launched in November 2019 and has been awarded twice
Best ESG Covered Bond Issuer
Best Green Bond - Asset Based & Covered Bonds
Best Green Covered Bond Issuer
Best Social Bond – Asset Based & Covered Bonds
Best Social Bond – Asset Based & Covered Bonds
Best Covered Bond
Most impressive FI Funding Strategy during Covid Pandemic
Best green, social or sustainability deal
Best Social Bond – Asset Based & Covered Bonds
Best ESG Issuer
Best Social Bond
Most Impressive Social or Sustainability Issuer

Non-financial ratings



Risk negligible


Prime – C+


1 Risk negligible


Sustainalytics analysis qualified Sfil ESG risk as negligeable and recognized its abilities to mitigate ESG issues

Responsible purchasing charter between Sfil and its suppliers

3 priorities

Carry out
public policy missions

internal policies

our employees

9 major Sustainable Development Goals

Adopted in September 2015 as part of the 2030 Agenda, the 17 Sustainable Development Goals constitute an action plan for peace, humanity, the planet and prosperity. They aim to transform our societies by eradicating poverty and ensuring a just transition to sustainable development by the year 2030. At the end of 2018, Sfil chose to prioritize nine goals in light of its activities and the CSR measures already in place.

CSR Chronology


– First carbon offset operation, with the Société Forestière of the Caisse des Dépôts Group
– Organization of the first corporate volunteering event for employees, the Sfil’Anthropie day


– Sfil joins the Caisse des Dépôts Group and integrates its sustainable development policy


– 5 November : First Green Bond Issue with a focus on financing investments by French public hospitals
– 12 February: First social Bond Issue in Europe


– Adherence to the United Nations Global Compact
– Prioritization of nine Sustainable Development Goals
– Launch a carbon audit


–  Creation of the Sustainable Development Committee


–  Launch of export credit activity


– Creation of Sfil


– First carbon offset operation, with the Société Forestière of the Caisse des Dépôts Group
– Organization of the first corporate volunteering event for employees, the Sfil’Anthropie day


– Sfil joins the Caisse des Dépôts Group and integrates its sustainable development policy


– 5 November : First Green Bond Issue with a focus on financing investments by French public hospitals
– 12 February: First social Bond Issue in Europe


– Adherence to the United Nations Global Compact
– Prioritization of nine Sustainable Development Goals
– Launch a carbon audit


–  Creation of the Sustainable Development Committee


–  Launch of export credit activity


– Creation of Sfil

More informations:

Discover the CSR approach of La Banque Postale, the partner of Sfil
Sfil part of the Novethic Institutional core group which brings together long-term investors wishing to strengthen their commitment to sustainable finance.
Novethic, for the development of a sustainable finance

Last update 22/07/2024