Posted on 12 July, 2022 - 21:28 | Category : CSR, News, Publications.
Here is the fourth Corporate Social Responsibility report of the Sfil group.
Here is the fourth Corporate Social Responsibility report of the Sfil group.
In 2023, Sfil – the public development bank serving French territories and exports – celebrated 10 years of existence and 5 years of membership of the United Nations Global Compact. 2023 was a pivotal year for integrating sustainable development issues into all aspects of our business. In particular, it was marked by The overhaul of […]
As a member of the United Nations Global Compact (UNGC) since 2018, Sfil has published its annual report on sustainable development since 2019. In 2024, Sfil formalizes and outsources its sustainable development policy for the first time. The document on sfil.fr can be accessed by all stakeholders and reinforces Sfil’s commitment to sustainable development by […]
Sfil elevated sustainability as a core pillar of its strategic plan. In this context, Sfil is committed to its stakeholders to align gradually its financing portfolios on trajectories compatible with the Paris Agreement. We materialize this commitment today with the following objectives.