SFIL Annual financial report 2018

4 I Annual financial statements in accordance with French GAAP 128 SFIL Annual Financial Report 2018 5. Notes to the income statement (EUR millions) 5.1 - INTEREST AND RELATED INCOME 2017 2018 INTEREST AND RELATED INCOME 16 3 Loans and advances to banks 5 (13) Loans and advances to customers 6 16 Bonds and other fixed income securities 5 (0) Macro-hedge transactions - - Other commitments - - INTEREST AND RELATED EXPENSE (29) (3) Due to banks (26) (11) Due to clients (2) (1) Bonds and other fixed income securities (1) 9 Macro-hedge transactions - - Other commitments - - INTEREST MARGIN (13) (0) 5.2 - ANALYSIS OF COMMISSIONS RECEIVED AND PAID 2017 2018 Billing commissions received from Caisse Française de Financement Local 11 5 Other commissions (1) 4 4 TOTAL 15 9 (1) This concerns mainly servicing commission received from La Banque Postale. 5.3 - NET GAINS OR LOSSES ON TRADING PORTFOLIO 2017 2018 Provision on financial instruments (0) 0 Foreign exchange income (0) 0 TOTAL (0) 0 5.4 - NET GAINS OR LOSSES ON PLACEMENT PORTFOLIO 2017 2018 Losses on placement portfolio (0) (27) Gains on placement portfolio 0 24 TOTAL (0) (3) 5.5 - OTHER INCOME AND EXPENSE 2017 2018 Other income 0 0 Rebilled expense (1) 95 93 Other expense (0) (0) TOTAL 95 93 (1) This item mainly includes expenses billed to Caisse Française de Financement Local. 5.6 - GENERAL EXPENSES 2017 2018 Payroll expense (31) (30) Social security taxes (18) (17) Taxes (6) (6) Other general operating expense (42) (41) TOTAL (97) (94)