SFIL Annual financial report 2018

4 I Annual financial statements in accordance with French GAAP 126 SFIL Annual Financial Report 2018 3.8 - TRANSACTIONS WITH RELATED PARTIES Analysis by nature Consolidated entity CAFFIL (1) Other related parties (2) 12/31/2017 12/31/2018 12/31/2017 12/31/2018 ASSETS Loans and advances to banks - sight - - - - Loans and advances to banks - term 4,821 4,941 - - Bonds and other fixed income securities - - 48 88 LIABILITIES Due to banks - sight - - - - Due to banks - term 578 1,897 4,221 1,932 INCOME STATEMENT Interest income on loans and advances 10 (4) (0) (0) Interest income on debt securities 0 0 (0) (0) Interest expense on borrowings (0) 0 (23) (9) Net commissions 11 5 4 4 OFF-BALANCE SHEET Interest rate derivatives 28,004 14,309 554 415 Foreign exchange derivatives 1,271 1,022 - - Commitments and guarantees received 3,028 6,284 7,031 9,530 Commitments and guarantees granted - - 4,821 4,943 (1) Caisse Française de Financement Local (2) Other related parties concern La Banque Postale and Caisse des dépôts et consignations. 4. Notes to the off-balance sheet items (EUR millions) 4.1 - COMMITMENTS GRANTED 12/31/2017 12/31/2018 Financing commitments granted to credit institutions 50 270 Financing commitments granted to customers (1) 3,028 6,284 Other guarantees given to banks (2) 3,247 7,383 Other commitments given, assets assigned in guarantee 4,823 4,945 TOTAL 11,148 18,882 (1) Within the framework of the business of export credit refinancing, this amount corresponded to a commitment made by SFIL to an exporter customer, as part of a project contract. (2) This amount corresponds to the sell-back, to the benefit of Caisse Française de Financement Local, of guarantees received from its export credit activity. 4.2 - COMMITMENTS RECEIVED 12/31/2017 12/31/2018 Financing commitments received from credit institutions (1) 10,497 15,853 Guarantees received from banks (2) 3,248 7,385 Other commitments received - - TOTAL 13,745 23,238 (1) In particular, this amount integrates funding commitments of EUR 6,284 million from Caisse Française de Financement Local in order to finance the parent company SFIL within the framework of its export credit activity. It also includes the residual amount corresponding to the financing commitments of SFIL’s shareholders, Caisse des dépôts et consignations and La Banque Postale for respective amounts of EUR 8,889 million, and 681 million. SFIL recorded the total of its commitments related to the only tranches existing, which is limited to 8,889 million. This amount does not take into account the possibility stipulated in the financing agreement with Caisse des dépôts et consignations to negociate additional funding in good faith. Since the principal in a loan may not exceed EUR 12.5 billion, this financing would be at most EUR 2,500 million as of December 2018. (2) Irrevocable and inconditionnal guarantees issued by the French State received by SFIL to finance major export credits.